April 4 - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is formed in Europe. Twelve nations, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States, signed the historic treaty.
California - Los Angeles records snowfall for the first time.
EDSAC - A team of computer experts constructed the first Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer at the University of Cambredge Mathematical Laboratory in England.
China - the Chinese civil war ends with the establishment of the Communistic People Republic of China .
October 1 - The Communistic People Republic of China formally proclaim by Mao Tse-tung .
Notable Deaths -
* Giro d'Italia Champion: Carlo Galetti (Ita) 1882-1949, died April 2, 1949. Galetti was a two time Giro champion (1910 and 1911).
Margaret Mitchell, 1900-1949, author of Gone with the Wind, was run down by a drunken driver in her native Atlanta.